Total Bonuses Paid (Date(s) & Amount)
Bonuses Paid to Date (By Level)
Total Residual Percentages by Level
'A' Team Superior

The Quick Connect Pool (QCP) holds names for all partners whom have no connection resources and are unconnected & available to Quick Connect (QC) to 'NEW' and/or existing partners in order to complete healthy 1st 5 connections within the 1st stage. Corporate administration has placement power and may place every Quick Connect Pool (QCP) partner within any level anywhere in the organization where 'NEEDED'.
Due to the fact that each partner may only connect with 5 Quick Connect Partners (QCP), any overage in stage 1 and/or partners added after the 1st 5 in stage 1 are encouraged for placement within each representatives 2nd and/or 3rd stage.
Remember. Partners may also activate businesses, families, etc., to establish easy organizational expansion (adding children, parents, siblings, aunts & uncles, grandparents & even employees).
If a Quick Connect(QC) partner has already been selected, select another. If you find later you would like to connect to a person previously in the pool, placement adjustment is considered for up to 10 days from expansion model placement.
BONUS(ES): When a person is placed in the QCP, the referring partner will receive 50% the normal Bonus & the partners within the placement genealogy hierarchy (immediately within levels above the QCP placement level) will receive 50% regardless where placed. Residuals based on placement (not who sponsored you). You do,however, want to in sure each QCP partner are placed within the expanded organization associated with their referring partner, respectively. Where there is no initial currency invested by 'NEW' partners, it can take up to 30 days to receive currency after Activation & referral marketing participation is encouraged to assist with referral management.
INSTALLMENTS: Don't have$100.00? Make installments. Start with $25.00 or $10.00 & schedule structured payments. Generally,your initial $100.00 investment will become available as you complete Quick Connecting (QC) within the first 7 Days.
ACTIVATION CREDIT VOUCHERS: For those receiving activation credit vouchers, IUSO Vision Manifest will provide you a credit voucher for the initial $100.00 that is satisfied & paid in full when you complete Quick Connecting (QC) with your 1st 5. Where the referring investor & 5 Quick Connects (QC) are voucher recipient(s), executive authority requires a mandatory all ​Income Activation or Acceptance Orientation (IAO) with marketing participation to complete stage 2.
SPONSORS: Sponsored partners, upon request, shall have an existing partner sponsor (invest) the initial $100.00 for them. Once you have completed Quick Connecting (QC) with your 1st 5, IUSO 'Vision Manifest' will return the sponsors $100 investment consideration & you (and/or the sponsorship requesting partner) will receive $100.00($200 total) while the perpetual monthly residual income is activated. 'NEW' KIDS/CHILDREN'S QUICK CONNECT POOL
Quick Connect Pool (QCP): 391 Available Connections
Partner ID#:
Referring Partner ID#:
Partner Name:
Sample Name
Executive Partner
Executive Partner
Executive Partner
Executive Partner
Sponsoring Partner ID#:
We will begin placing names on the Quick Connect Pool (QCP) list when partner activation & organizational expansion start.