Total Bonuses Paid (Date(s) & Amount)
Bonuses Paid to Date (By Level)
Total Residual Percentages by Level
'A' Team Superior
Productivity meetings shall congregate each Friday at 1pm. Productivity meetings are mandatory & shall be held in each office, respective to their region and/or location and/or online. Each executive administration partner shall attend. Offices may conference for various reasons with each other and/or corporate. Productivity meetings cover all activity since the previous Friday calculating numbers from the previous Friday 3am Update to the current Thursday 3am Update).
1) Partner Activation Count (Daily &Weekly) for the most recent 7 days (past week).
2) Partner Activation Count (Monthly & Cumulative (from expansion start)) DIRECTORS BOARD MEETING
3) Insure Quick Connect(QC) charts are received, online & view able
4) Who has greatest productivity. Why & methods to help others.
5) Income Assessment Orientation (IAO) Schedule for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday for following 7 Days
6) Quick Connect (QC) Pool. Use it! Insure we have a count & names with ID# online
7) Administration: Tips on keeping accounts information updated by 3am, bonus & residual distribution. Interest Product(s).
NOTE: The 1st level shall complete same day (and/or within the 1st week). This includes each partners 1st 5. How fast levels were completed & what techniques were used for success (existing organizations, etc.). For Saturday overflow(due to demand there is no way we can take care everybody in 1 Orientation session), you shall Schedule an Income Assessment Orientation (IAO) for each 'NEW' partner in your 1st 5. 1 for each day (M,T,W,TH) to assist them with completing their 1st 5 (after initial PHASE 1 completion) so they also may complete PHASE 1 & invite their 'NEW' partners & their candidates to the Saturday Income Activation Orientation (IAO) so those whom were not completely activated during the previous week can receive their $200.00 bonus within 7 days (by or on the next scheduled Saturday Income Activation Orientation (IAO).
Remember: The expansion model from day 1 shall not exceed 49 days (reaching the 7th level). Listen. Money is not the focus here. Completing your 1st 5 Quick Connect partners & helping them do the same thing you did is all you 'NEED' in order to'WIN' your secure ongoing perpetual income. Nothing more.
'NO RISK' INVESTMENT RETURN: Your initial $100.00 investment returns to you instantly when Quick Connecting to your 1st 5 in the Same Day. It's better than a store (or mail in) rebate. There is 'NO' risk. You also receive $100.00 for activating your partnership, income & 5 referrals). If you do not have 5 Referrals, use the Quick Connect Pool (QCP) or place ask 'US' to place you on the Quick Connect list so another partner can quickly place you within a completed level (making it simple& easy for you to complete your expansion). I encourage each potential partner to put $100 to the side in advance, make a list using the Contact List form & insure 5 others who have done the same thing activate with you. Even if you have a Bill to Pay, since you will receive the money back same day, use your bill $ before you pay bills or make purchases. When you 'NEED'your money returned after activating, insure you tell your referring partner & we will insure after you activate your 1st 5 your initial $100.00 is returned with your $100.00 bonus ($200.00 total) for completing stage 1.
Important: Completing your 1st 5 Quick Connects (QC) becomes your 1st priority. The Quantum calculation suggest that your entire living experience is transformed. You shall, from activation completion, experience satisfactory results in each endeavor you seek to achieve. Wealth & prosperity. Within 49 days you will have a secure income forever. The fact is that you only 'NEED' 5 others who are dedicated to partnering with you to change your lives for the better forever. Create an alliance with positive people. Anybody won't do. You 'MUST' draw the 'ONES' near that are born to exist in your future. Positive people whom perpetuate living & wealth(currency & energy). You are encouraged to transfer this urgency to others. You only have 7 days to complete Stage 1 (connecting to your 1st 5). The 7th level shall have been completed within 49 days for the master calculation to function correctly. Take this very serious. Like your lives depend on it (or you may never have another chance at unlimited perpetual wealth & living again). ***This profile shall suffice as the primary organizational profile view able by each partner, respectively. Separate profile & report resources coming in the very near future.
WARNING: You 'MUST' connect with IUSO 'VISION MANIFEST' to insure successful network application. Using information, techniques and/or calculations prove most successful with 'US'. This organization was made for your success. Results shall include,however, are not limited to unlimited income & perpetual current, respectively. Use with other organizations will self destruct. Do not attempt network expansion without corporate support from the INTERNATIONAL U.S. OPERATIONS. Any such operational functionality is an international violation subject to correction.