Vison Manifest
Posess the 'Power' to Manifest Visions. A 'VISION MANIFEST'!
1. Introduction
Tell ‘US’ Your Visions. Tell ‘US’ Your Dreams
11. How to Manifest Your Visions
Take steps in the directional path competing your dreams has walked
III. Connecting Spirituality to the Physical experience. Instantly Manifesting
Transforming your future instantly.
IV: Instant Investment Returns (IIR) Awards to audience Members
100% Investment Currency Return Distribution at the event (Cash, Stocks & Accounts)
1- 7 Day PHASE 1 Completion Plan
7-14 Day PHASE 2 Completion Plan
V. Your 'NEW' Wealth. Seeing Your Vision Manifest
Count Your Returns (How much are you going home with)
Calculating your Residuals
How & what will you invest your returns on
VI. Training
Simple Marketing methods to share investing to others
Finalizng a 'NEW' investors Application
Stay Involved